fnctId=thesis,fnctNo=358 21 건 게시물 검색 제목 저자 발행일 21 [김희영] Deep Latent Factor Model for Spatio-Temporal Forecasting 저자 : Wonmo Koo; Eun-Yeol Ma; Heeyoung Kim 저널명 : Technometrics 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 20 [김희영] Simultaneous Treatment Effect Estimation and Variable Selection for Observational Data 저자 : Eun-Yeol Ma; Uichin Lee; Heeyoung Kim 저널명 : IISE Transactions 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 19 [배혜림] Semi-supervised binary classification with latent distance learning 저자 : Imam Mustafa Kamal; Hyerim Bae 저널명 : Advanced Engineering Informatics 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 18 [문일경] Coordinated logistics with trucks and drones for premium delivery 저자 : Dongwook Kim; ChangSeong Ko; Ilkyeong Moon 저널명 : Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 17 [문일경] A decomposition approach for robust omnichannel retail operations considering the third-party platform channel 저자 : Junhyeok Lee; Ilkyeong Moon 저널명 : Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 16 [심성현] Temporal Feature Representation Learning for Time-Series Clustering with Variational Mode Decomposition 저자 : Jaehoon Lee; Eunhee Park; Sunghyun Sim 저널명 : ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 15 [심성현] Distributed Lag Non-linear Model을 이용한 Baltic Dry Index 예측 및 요인 별 시차 영향도 도출에 관한 연구 저자 : 김영휘; 심성현 저널명 : 한국자료분석학 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 14 [김희영] Classification of Chip-level Defect Types in Wafer Bin Maps Using Only Wafer-level Labels 저자 : Hyuk Lee; Hyeonwoo Kim;Heeyoung Kim 저널명 : Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 13 [문일경] An integrated model of supply chain resilience considering supply and demand uncertainties 저자 : Jongmin Lee; Ilkyeong Moon 저널명 : International Transactions in Operational Research 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 12 [김희영] Few-shot Classification of Wafer Bin Maps Using Transfer Learning and Ensemble Learning 저자 : Hyeonwoo Kim; Heegeon Yoon; Heeyoung Kim 저널명 : Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 발행일 : Accepted 첨부파일 : 0 처음 1 2 3 다음 페이지 끝