Human-Centered – Carbon Neutral Global Supply Chain Research Center
Welcome to the Human-Centered – Carbon Neutral Global Supply Chain Research Center at Pusan National University.
Our center was selected and established as part of the Ministry of Science and ICT's Leading Research Center (ERC-Engineering Field) project. We have selected securing source technology to build an ecosystem that considers the safety and environment of the marine-port-land integrated supply chain as our future goal. We plan to establish a governance system for safety and environmental information within the integrated supply chain, develop spatiotemporal AI-based prediction/diagnosis models and evaluation indicators, and support decision-making for logistics resistance/resilience based on this.
Starting in 2023, within a 7-year support period, various faculty members, including safety engineering, environmental engineering, and computer engineering, focusing on the Department of Industrial Engineering at our school, as well as public institutions including Busan Metropolitan City (Busan Techno Park) and Busan Institute of Industrial Science and Innovation (BISTEP) By establishing an industry-academia cooperation network of 10 institutions and research institutes, 11 industries, and 11 overseas universities, we aim to promote joint research and foster outstanding global talent.
Our Human-Centered – Carbon Neutral Global Supply Chain Research Center conducts innovative research based on artificial intelligence for a sustainable human life that takes the environment and safety into consideration, going beyond the supply chain concept centered on volume and efficiency in the core sector of the national economy, such as shipping ports. We promise to develop it into a world-class research institute.
thank you