The 6th International Conference of The Yangtze River Research and Innovation Belt (Y-RIB) in collaboration with UNESCAP
On Sustainable Inland Waterway Transport Development
- 해당 학회에 참가, 발표와 관계없이 Special Issue 제출이 가능하다고 해서 안내드립니다.
- 관련 제출을 원하실 경우, 김도희 박사에게 연락부탁드립니다.
- 관련 정보는 아래 사이트를 이용해서 확인부탁드립니다.
Special Issues of international journals:
Maritime Policy & Management: "Sustainable Waterway Transport Development: Digitalization and Decarbonization". Guest editors Paul Tae-Woo Lee (Zhejiang University, China), Stephen Petitt (Cardiff Business School, UK), Ran Yan (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
European Journal of Industrial Engineering: Guest editors Xuehao Feng (Zhejiang University, China), Said Salhi (University of Kent, UK), Panagiotis Angeloudis (Imperial College, London, UK), Zhou Yanjie (Zhengzhou University, China)
EJIE SI website: 6th-Y-RIB: Special Issue on: "Emerging Optimisation and Operation Methods in Ports and Shipping"
Ocean and Coastal Management: VSI- Sustainable port development and management: Guest editors Paul Tae-Woo Lee (Zhejiang University, China), Prem Chhetri (RMIT University, Australia), Zaili Yang (Liverpool John Moores University, UK), Guanqiong Ye (Zhejiang University, China)
Regional Studies in Marine Science (confirmed with wavier of APC): Guest editors Paul Tae-Woo Lee (Zhejiang University, China), Prem Chhetri (RMIT University, Australia), Zaili Yang (Liverpool John Moores University, UK), Guanqiong Ye (Zhejiang University, China)
Research in Transportation Business & Management:Guest editors, Kan Wai Hong Tsui (University of Southern Queensland, Australia), Kun Wang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China), Tiantian Chen (Korean Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Republic of Korea)
Journal of International Logistics and Trade (confirmed): Guest editors, Paul Tae-Woo Lee (Zhejiang University, China), Prem Chhetri (RMIT University, Australia), Pasanta Sahu (Chandigarh University, India), Srikanta Routroy (Chandigarh University, India)
SI on "Innovative Business Management and Resilient Supply Chain Management"